I am not a creative person, and I’d quite like to change this. There’s a bunch of creative skills I’ve never put the effort into improving and I think I might have some ways to overcome this. Let’s have a look… When I say I’m not creative, what I mean is coming up with ideas…
I have a go at making ChatGPT pretend to be a BBC Micro. It goes … not entirely wrong!
I go eBay shopping and buy something that might be useful in future videos.
tldr; type in ‘thisisunsafe’ into the browser window to switch the warning off. Use with care.
Today on “weird crap that seems undocumented on the Internet” we have DNS that doesn’t want to resolve and DHCP that is acting weird. My home DNS server decided it didn’t want to resolve things any more, and it took far too long to figure out why. It was all working fine, then it wasn’t.…
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