Tag: Linux

  • Maximising the fun in Linux

    Or in other words, I ditch NixOS because it’s awkward and weird, and I install Arch because it’s awkward and weird, but in a different way. And here’s my opinion. So I’ve been playing with NixOS for a few days now and while it does have some interesting features, it’s just a bit weird. I…

  • Making Computers Fun Again

    It’s nearly midnight, I’m supposed to be going to sleep but downstairs my Surface Pro 7+ is busy compiling a Linux kernel while installing NixOS. Getting that far required a lot of fussing about and a desk fan. And it’s great fun. I’ve not had this much entertainment from my computers since they looked like…

  • When did Linux get so complicated?

    Today on “weird crap that seems undocumented on the Internet” we have DNS that doesn’t want to resolve and DHCP that is acting weird. My home DNS server decided it didn’t want to resolve things any more, and it took far too long to figure out why. It was all working fine, then it wasn’t.…

  • SO my network broke…

    But this is not a post about that, that post was great, it was long and descriptive and kind of amusing to read. And then I deleted it by accident due to some questionable UI choices in WordPress and the wonky trackpad on my tablet. Did you know WordPress will permanently delete posts without prompting.…