Due to the untimely demise of my main PC, and it being the time of year where I have to get my car serviced, there will be a short break before my next video comes out. My PC that I edit video on is actually dead, it doesn’t even attempt to power up. This is…
I bought a pair of cheapo outdoor solar lights from Amazon. One is on my shed round the back of the house, the other is on the shed at the front of the house. Yes, I have a bit of a shed obsession. After a few days the front one stopped working. I took it…
I bought some of those Sonoff BASIC smart switches off Amazon and flashed them with Tasmota. It’s a pretty painless affair, the programming contacts are right there on the board, and the case comes apart with your fingernails. What you’ve got to watch out for are idiot sellers on eBay trying to game the system…
OK that was pretty strange. I wrote a blog post, hit submit and the front page of my WordPress installation just showed the white screen of death. The admin pages were working fine, but if I went into the post I’d just written to edit it, the edit screen crashed. Removing the post has fixed…
This is where I figure out a simpler way to make my videos, and it seems really obvious when I explain it. Which generally means it’s a good way to work. So when making videos I’ve gone through a bit of an evolution from loosely edited ramblings to scripted content where I carefully choose my…
It’s my opinion that if you’re going to fill your home with smart devices, they need to be easy to control and monitor. Having to pull a phone out a pocket just to switch some lights on is annoying. Equally, having to open a browser just to see the state of everything is equally annoying.…
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