Davinci Resolve Collaboration

I’ve worked out how to work on the same Davinci Resolve project from two different computers, at the same time.

Davinci Resolve has the ability to store its projects in a database that is available to multiple computers at the same time. This is not the video files, just the project itself which I think is your timeline, edits and settings for the project.

Normally to do this you install the Davinci Resolve Project Server, but if you use Linux, that’s not a thing. What is a thing though is PostgreSQL, which is what the project server uses behind the scenes.

I found a site explaining how to run davinci resolve server on a Raspberry Pi and just copied the instructions for a new container on my Proxmox machine.

To work on the project simultaneously, one machine has to right-click the project in Project Manager and enable collaboration.

It’s also necessary to set up the media folder locations consistently. Something somewhere needs to share the video files on the network in a way the other machines can access them. This has a bit of a problem if one machine is Linux based and the other is Windows based since they use totally different file paths for everything.

Go into Settings -> Media Storage -> Media Storage Locations

Add a new one pointing to the network share. Edit the “Mapped Mount” column to match the name of the network location on the machine sharing it.

So if you’re using Linux and the video files are supposed to be in /media/resolve, set up Samba to share that on the network. On the Windows machine map that as a network drive and tell Resolve to use it as a media location. In Windows it will be called X: or watever drive letter you chose. In the mapped mount column, type in “/media/resolve”.

Also it appears it’s a bad idea to set a media location to a network drive that might go away, it causes massive pauses in Resolve as it tries to access the location and waits for it to time out. I might need to move my videos onto my NAS.

You might also want to generate proxy videos to speed up edits. I’m currently using the free version of Resolve and have to transcode all my video to MOV which makes massive files, but they seem to work decently over the network. I suspect the MOV files are quite similar to the proxies Resolve itself would generate. I’ll experiment.


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