Using DJGPP and RHIDE was working fine, but using what is effectively GCC in DOS felt a bit like cheating, or not doing it properly or something. It felt like I was just writing C code in Linux, but with some awkward things relating to DOS.
Also the RHIDE editor had a few oddities that were slightly annoying me, like selecting blocks of text, moving text in the editor and things about when and why it would indent or not indent code.
Borland C++ comes with its own editor which looks remarkably the same as RHIDE, but it also comes with a 200-odd page manual that explains how to use it. Like, actually how to use it. As in if you want to mix C and assembly, how to actually do that. Or how to change the tabstop sizes.
There is also a nice chapter that explains DOS memory layout and addressing modes, and how to call interrupts. It’s just there, explained in a book and not lost to time archived in the Wayback Machine.
I have a few ideas for programs I want to try, and they’re the kind of thing where starting up a DOS extender seems like an overkill or making things excessively complicated.