Welcome to my corner of the Internet. If you like programming, technology and retro computing you’re in the right place.
So my main PC that I do all my video editing, programming and anything more complex than talking rubbish on Discord died. Totally dead. How it died is a story…
Early computers weren’t powerful enough to draw full-screen moving graphics, so they had to use clever tricks. Let’s explore how Nintendo’s techniques for creating tile-based games on the NES can…
In this video I look at how you can program the Agon Light to display bitmap images using C. I go through how to convert a PNG image into an…
Or in other words, I ditch NixOS because it’s awkward and weird, and I install Arch because it’s awkward and…
It’s nearly midnight, I’m supposed to be going to sleep but downstairs my Surface Pro 7+ is busy compiling a…
Due to the untimely demise of my main PC, and it being the time of year where I have to…